Wednesday, July 25, 2012

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However, we are the godfather of their children, even if we were a couple, how, this is not breaking the law! I think even if I put my idea to tell the godfather, godfather will not say anything, but your husband is dead , and Zhang Xun Yi one o'clock proud,authentic jersey vs replica, no intention to mention the Li Xin children the most taboo of words, suddenly shouted: : looking for me, I will not see you, I still have things Lanjie see a visitor, said that even if Zhang Xun Yi skinned thick and then, a bit embarrassing, but also some angry Road: After that Lanjie listening to the words of Li Xin children, go out, looking at both the atmosphere does not feel right, but also bad approached Gan on the side do not know how to do it.
Li Xin child has a little face is not to Zhang Xun Yi, still do not see Zhang Xun Yi a cold channel: That Lanjie only nodded his head, maybe she is the first time encountered such a thing, naturally do not know how to do froze on one side, and have never seen the door to find Li Xin child guests happen, helpless come Zhang Xun Yi side, said: Zhang Xun Yi suddenly sneer loudly: side of the Li Xin children see Zhang Xun Yi left some unable to sit on the sofa every time I think of her dead husband, Li Xin, children can not help but miss the pain of a longing heart will be out of control.
I saw Li Xin child uncomfortable eyes closed, whispered: so many people want to go after me, including the son of my godfather, my brother is the same, because of my long beautiful? looks are not given, why now people are like a beautiful, beautiful people the pursuit of others have to accept it? World Is chaos? I just want good husband silently in my heart enough,newest basketball shoes 2011, who do not want to reason, do not want to accept, I'm so tired husband, you know ? Why you last night did not come to me Zhang Xun Yi gust front of the body under the Jiaoqu offensive, sweating, looking at the secretary of the body face a bright red long been passions lost, some pain, some enjoy the and like Weibi eyes and hands to climb in Zhang Xun Yi crude neck on Jiaochuan lower body one last look to cater to Zhang Xun Yi own *. morning, Zhang Xun Yi from Li Xin children

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