Monday, January 14, 2013

shoe reviews who is going to collect taxes only

You How dare! "Masanori getting more and more angry, waving the Long case jade paperweight appropriated the first, and good jade texture is good, there is not even smashed, but it broke one of the corners." Emperor please pacify Yang Yiqing Liaoyi grovel, paragraph fly the same time broke into, said: "The emperor pacified Young adults they Sajik sake, in fact, you adults just so long contention with two father-in-law, had affirmed the open Boycott importance only differences but the who presided over the maritime trade,shoe reviews, and who controls the Navy, who is going to collect taxes only, this is not simple? everyone does not give way, so things open sea before long copending , just we should all take a step back, presided over by Sili Jian trade, controlled by the Ministry of War of the Navy, the Ministry of Sili Jian jointly in charge of the Division tax right, it does not end up with? "Zhang Rui heart cursed, but Yang SD Qiong Zhang Zilin one voice and said: "The emperor, Duan adults said rational, in addition to the details needed Reconsideration, Wei Chen seconded Rui not done, he blurted out:" The emperor , which is what the step back, clearly they conspired to seize Sili Jian weights according to their word, handed down, sooner or later Laonu have to be dead to Victors. "Duan Fei laughed:" ; too strongly in the father-in-law, while the Secretary for Tax Right Division and half to the Ministry, but open Boycott tax revenues at least doubled? the Internal Affairs packet earn not lose the future everyone his or her own money, you do not have all day pestering father-in-law to be this or that, they do not motionless ran off to get the emperor requires fair, this is not very good? Although the two departments in charge of the Division tax rights each other constraints affect the efficiency, but ...... this is better than a single large lack of supervision likely to breed corruption right?? Rui head down, eyes are insidious way to segment flying go paragraph fly towards him blinked, smiled, paragraph fly, then let Masanori deeply contingent, the Zhengde Zuifan others in order to point trivial to him in front of the noisy, and Liu Jin former, corruption and the word also touched the heartstrings of Zhengde, he flatly said: segment Aiqing right to do this according to paragraph Aiqing said, Internal Affairs is responsible for management of the sea trade, the Navy is still owned by the Ministry of War, Secretary for Tax Power by Sili Jian and the Ministry in charge of, specific details yourselves down to negotiate, I reply within three days to paragraph Aiqing leave, others can be scattered. "temple only Masanori with paragraph fly when, Masanori paragraph fly said: "Thanks to Ai Qing, a few words to the I a good idea, otherwise these guys will arguing endlessly." Duan Fei laughed: "Wei Chen bystander So understand, in fact, mostly to escape a benefit-worldly strife, six worried Internal Affairs dominant Sili Jian also refused to decentralization, natural say less than one, in fact, all the power of the emperor gave their everyone but for the emperor burden fills students do not bring already naked, have good dispute it? "Masanori sighed:" If everyone like Aiqing think it guys know on the struggle for power, either Ai Qing Jiangnan pay so much money up, I take no money to the Queen Mother Yoshihisa, detract from the Ming dynasty had fallen to such point where these guys refused Tizhen to think about how to make Daming stronger, so really I disappointed. "paragraph fly laughed:" They do not want to only

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